Welcome to the Adventurers Wanted Role Play forum! This forum is designed to help bridge the gap between events by providing a space for role play.
There are a few simple rules that we ask you to follow.
1. You must register to post.
2. Please keep in-game posts in-game and out-of-game posts out-of-game.
3. Treat the in-game forum as a public bulletin board and private messages as letters. Please do not use the in-game forum for text-based roleplay.
4. Keep in character on the in-game board.
5. While we encourage interaction, please try not to use the in-game forum for interpersonal arguments.
6. A word filter has been put in place for certain highly offensive words. While we are an 18+ game and we recognize that there is an appropriate context for even the harshest swears, there are still some hateful slurs that are not welcome in this community. Anyone who circumvents these word filters will be banned from the forum.
7. Please set your display name as your character's name.